Accelerate your growth with Yield Marketing, your lead generation partner.

Welcome to Yield Marketing, your ultimate partner in generating high-quality leads for Yield Wealth’s Term Deposit products. Our innovative approach combines advanced technology and personalized strategies to deliver leads that convert, helping you achieve your business objectives efficiently and effectively.

Proven System

Our system has a proven track record, helping over 150 agents across the US. Crafted by marketing experts with over 10 years of experience in the marketing and lead generation industry, we bring expertise and results to your lead generation efforts.

Our Process

Targeting the Right Audience

We target high-net-worth individuals on social media using advanced algorithms to find leads with over $150K in assets interested in investing, retirement, or higher-yield savings.

Lead Generation

Our lead generation process captures high-quality leads through targeted social media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. We ensure that each lead is verified and meets Yield Wealth’s specific criteria.

Nurturing Leads

Once we capture the leads, our automated and human-driven follow-up systems nurture these leads. We keep them engaged and informed through personalized emails, messages, and phone calls, ensuring they are primed and ready for conversion.

Scheduling Appointments

For clients opting for scheduled appointments, our dedicated team will handle the scheduling, ensuring that your calendar is filled with high-potential meetings, allowing you to focus on closing deals.

Exclusive Portal and App

Agents gain access to an exclusive portal with no duplicate leads. Each text and email is personalized with your information for automated nurturing. Our app helps you track leads and monitor their progress through the buying cycle.


Get Leads on Credit

A flexible lead generation option: get started immediately, with our fee deducted from your commission


of commissionable earnings

Essential Leads

Perfect for agents looking to scale up with high-quality raw leads.

Essential Leads are high-quality raw leads captured through our advanced targeting and lead generation process. These leads have shown interest in Term Deposit products but have not yet been contacted or scheduled for an appointment.


50 Leads - $2,500.00


75 Leads - $3,750.00


100 Leads - $5,100.00 - 15% off!

Premier Appointments

Ideal for agents wanting ready-to-convert leads with scheduled appointments.

Premier Appointments are leads that have been pre-qualified and scheduled for an appointment. Our team ensures these leads are interested and ready for a detailed conversation about Yield Wealth’s Term Deposit products.


15 Appointments - $3,000.00


30 Appointments - $6,000.00


50 Appointments - $9,562.50 - 15% off!

Hybrid Solution

A combination of essential leads and scheduled appointments for balanced growth.


30 Raw Leads + 5 Appointments - $2,500.00


50 Raw Leads + 10 Appointments - $4,500.00


75 Raw Leads + 15 Appointments - $6,693.75 - 15% off!


How quickly will my leads start?

Your leads will start within 24-48 hours after your onboarding call.

What happens if my appointment doesn’t show?

We have AI reminders for no-show appointments, and our team will follow up with them to rebook.

I’m a high performer, but these leads are different. How should I handle them?

These leads are different from referrals and warm markets. They are generated online, have a shorter attention span, and it's often best to get on the phone with them and answer their specific questions right away! If you need more help closing, we have a support team here to help review your calls and leads to get you closing fast!

Do you offer any materials to help with scripts?

Yes, we include an ebook when you buy a package to help you close more deals!

Can I customize the lead criteria?

We are running a large campaign for Yield Wealth as a whole, so we can’t tailor small details with the ads for you. However, we are always open to feedback and happy to chat about ideas!